Monday, February 27, 2012

CAP Ventures' Document Software Group Adopts New Name; Expands Staff.

NORWELL, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 8, 1999--

Document Software Strategies (DSS) becomes

Dynamic Content Software Strategies Consulting Service

Dynamic Content Software Strategies Consulting Service is the new name of CAP Ventures' Document Software Strategies Consulting Service. The new name reflects the significant impact that the Internet and Web technologies have had on document systems software. The service will continue to be known by its familiar acronym, DSS. DSS provides market research and strategic consulting services to vendors of dynamic content management software. "Dynamic content" management software includes Web content management and publishing tools, XML-based products and tools, document management, knowledge management, and groupware.

"Our new name more accurately represents the evolving markets we analyze - the markets in which our customers are involved," commented Michael Maziarka, DSS Director. "The widespread use of Web technologies in corporate computing has changed the notion of what `documents' are. The Web is causing the distinction between documents and data to erode quickly, as different technologies converge to provide commerce- and knowledge-based solutions," he said. DSS is the only research and consulting organization that is completely focused on these technologies.

The DSS name change also reflects an expansion of its client support team, commensurate with the rapid growth of the industry it serves and its client roster. Two new consulting associates have been appointed. Girish Altekar and Bill Trippe bring more than 30 years' experience in the IT industry to DSS clients. Both will play integral roles in DSS's research and client consulting projects.

"I am delighted that both Girish and Bill have joined the DSS team," says Frank Gilbane, DSS founder and a director at CAP Ventures. "The combination of technical expertise, marketing, and publishing experience in document- and content-related arenas that they bring complement the current strengths of the team and will also support our continuing growth," Gilbane continued.

Altekar has fifteen years of development- and management-level information technology experience. He has worked for ICON Computing, Tandem, Data General, and Burroughs in roles ranging from senior engineer, to technical marketing, to sales and marketing development. At CAP Ventures, his focus is XML (Extensible Markup Language), and he is project leader for DSS's upcoming study on Early Adopters of XML.

Trippe's expertise is in electronic product development, content management, and editorial and production systems automation. This includes extensive experience with markup languages, including SGML. He has most recently been engaged in a range of end-user consulting for professional publishers. Trippe has worked for ZDNet, Inso, Xyvision, and Mitre in roles as ranging from content and publishing system management to software education and support management. In addition to writing about the dynamic content software market for CAP Ventures, Trippe will also participant in client consulting and is a presentor at Documation '99 West, in Santa Clara, CA this week.

For more detailed information about DSS, including the variety of services the group offers, the markets it covers, and biographical information on the service's consultants, see the "About DSS" section of the newly updated DSS Web page, at

CAP Ventures is the leading worldwide strategic consulting and market research firm serving the document software, electronic imaging, document management and digital printing and publishing industries. CAP Ventures provides technology advice and market insights for vendors, manufacturers and corporate users through custom and subscription consulting, market research, seminars, training, industry conferences, trade shows and publications. CAP Ventures is included on the Inc. 500 list of America's fastest growing private companies for both 1997 and 1998. Website: http:\\

Sunday, February 26, 2012

IASIS Healthcare to Broadcast Its Fiscal Third Quarter 2011 Conference Call Live on the Internet.

FRANKLIN, Tenn. -- IASIS Healthcare[R] LLC today announced that it will provide an online Web simulcast of its fiscal third quarter 2011 conference call on Tuesday, August 2, 2011. The Company will release its results for the fiscal third quarter ended June 30, 2011, before the opening of the market on August 2nd.

The live broadcast of IASIS' conference call will begin at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time on August 2nd. The link to this event can be found at the Company's website: In addition, an online replay will be available an hour after the call ends and will be available for 30 days. The online replay can also be found on the Company's website.

IASIS, located in Franklin, Tennessee, is a leading owner and operator of medium-sized acute care hospitals in high-growth urban and suburban markets. The Company operates its hospitals with a strong community focus by offering and developing healthcare services targeted to the needs of the markets it serves, promoting strong relationships with physicians and working with local managed care plans. IASIS owns or leases 18 acute care hospital facilities and one behavioral health hospital facility with a total of 4,362 licensed beds and has total annual net revenue of approximately $2.8 billion. These hospital facilities are located in seven regions: Salt Lake City, Utah; Phoenix, Arizona; Tampa-St. Petersburg, Florida; five cities in Texas, including Houston and San Antonio; Las Vegas, Nevada; West Monroe, Louisiana; and Woodland Park, Colorado. IASIS also owns and operates a Medicaid and Medicare managed health plan in Phoenix that serves more than 197,000 members. For more information on IASIS, please visit the Company's Web site at


WASHINGTON -- The following information was released by the office of California Rep. Howard Berman:

Congressman Howard L. Berman, Ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, submitted the following remarks to the Congressional Record drawing attention to the link between Iran and Syria's violent repression of the Syrian people. Congressman Berman is working to keep the pressure on the regimes in Damascus and Tehran, and hold them accountable for their brutal actions.

Mr. Speaker, I rise to draw attention to Iran's ongoing efforts to assist the Syrian regime in violently suppressing peaceful protestors.

I request that the articles "Iran Helping Syrian Regime Crack Down on Protestors, Say Diplomats," printed in the May 9, 2011, Guardian, and "Iran Reportedly Aiding Syrian Crackdown," printed in the May 27, 2011, Washington Post, be submitted into the Congressional Record.

Press reports indicate that Iran is playing an active role in helping Syrian President Bashar al-Assad brutally crackdown on peaceful democracy protestors. As the Washington Post reports, "Iran is dispatching increasing numbers of trainers and advisers -- including members of its elite Quds Force -- into Syria to help crush anti-government demonstrations that are threatening to topple Iran's most important ally in the region."

Syrians have witnessed an increase in arrests, and door-to-door raids, similar to those that helped to crush Iran's Green Movement protests in 2009.

Human rights groups suggest that more than 7,000 people have been detained since the uprising began. And more than 1100 people are said to have died.

Mr. Speaker, Iran is terrified that it is about to lose its most important ally in the Arab world - they will do everything in their power to prevent that from happening. It appears that human life holds no value to the leaders in Damascus and Tehran.

I encourage all of my colleagues to read these articles and follow this development closely. The Congress must continue to put pressure on Syria and Iran so that freedom, respect for human rights and democracy can emerge in both nations.


Iran helping Syrian regime crack down on protesters, say diplomats

The Guardian, Monday 9 May 2011

Iran is playing an increasingly active role in helping the Syrian regime in its crackdown on pro-democracy protesters, according to western diplomatic sources in Damascus.

The claim came as Syria's security forces backed by tanks intensified operations to suppress unrest in three new flashpoint towns on Sunday and it was confirmed that four women had been shot dead in the first use of force against an all-female demonstration.

A senior western diplomat in Damascus expanded on assertions, first made by White House officials last month, that Iran is advising president Bashar al-Assad's government on how to crush dissent.

The diplomat pointed to a "significant" increase in the number of Iranian personnel in Syria since protests began in mid-March. Mass arrests in door-to-door raids, similar to those that helped to crush Iran's "green revolution" in 2009, have been stepped up in the past week.

Human rights groups suggest more than 7,000 people have been detained since the uprising began. More than 800 people are said to have died, up to 50 during last Friday's "day of defiance". Last night two unarmed demonstrators were reportedly killed during a night rally in the eastern city of Deir al-Zor.

"Tehran has upped the level of technical support and personnel support from the Iranian Republican Guard to strengthen Syria's ability to deal with protesters," the diplomat said, adding that the few hundred personnel were not involved in any physical operations. "Since the start of the uprising, the Iranian regime has been worried about losing its most important ally in the Arab world and important conduit for weapons to Hezbollah [in Lebanon]," the diplomat said.

Last month White House officials made similar allegations about Iranian assistance for the regime, particularly in terms of intercepting or blocking internet, mobile phone and social media communications between the protesters and the outside world. But the officials did not provide hard evidence to support their claims.

Activists and diplomats claim Iran's assistance includes help to monitor internet communications such as Skype, widely used by a network of activists, methods of crowd control, and providing equipment such as batons and riot police helmets.

Syria has denied seeking or receiving assistance from Iran to put down the unrest. In a statement issued on Friday, Iran's foreign ministry stressed Syria's "prime role" in opposing Israel and the US, and urged opposing forces in the country to compromise on political reform. US policy towards Syria was based on "opportunism in support of the Zionist regime's avarice", it said.

The Assad family, from the Shia Muslim minority Alawite sect, is likely to be nervous about appearing to be helped by its Shia-dominated ally to crush protesters drawn from the 75% Sunni population.

Regime forces backed by tanks were in action over the weekend in Homs, in the town of Tafas north of Deraa, and in the coastal city of Banias, activists said. Violence was also reported in the Damascus dormitory town of Zabadani.

Along with arbitrary detentions, shootings have continued.

Razan Zeitouneh, a lawyer in the capital who is monitoring the protests, said four women were shot dead in the village of Merqeb, close to Banias, and six men were shot dead in Banias on Saturday.

Iran reportedly aiding Syrian crackdown

Washington Post, 27 May 2011

U.S. officials say Iran is dispatching increasing numbers of trainers and advisers -- including members of its elite Quds Force -- into Syria to help crush anti-government demonstrations that are threatening to topple Iran's most important ally in the region.

The influx of Iranian manpower is adding to a steady stream of aid from Tehran that includes not only weapons and riot gear but also sophisticated surveillance equipment that is helping Syrian authorities track down opponents through their Facebook and Twitter accounts, the sources said. Iranian-assisted computer surveillance is believed to have led to the arrests of hundreds of Syrians seized from their homes in recent weeks.

The United States and its allies long have accused Iran of supporting repressive or violent regimes in the region, including Syria's government, the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Many previous reports, mostly provided by Western officials, have described Iranian technical help in providing Syria with riot helmets, batons and other implements of crowd control during 10 weeks of demonstrations against President Bashar al-Assad.

The new assertions -- provided by two U.S. officials and a diplomat from an allied nation, all of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive intelligence -- are clearly aimed at suggesting deepening involvement of Iranian military personnel in Syria's brutal crackdown against anti-Assad demonstrators.There was no response on Friday to requests for comment left with the Syrian Embassy and Iranian interests section in Washington.

In the account provided by the diplomat and the U.S. officials, the Iranian military trainers were being brought to Damascus to instruct Syrians in techniques Iran used against the nation's "Green Movement'' in 2009, the diplomat said. The Iranians were brutally effective in crushing those protests.

Officers from Iran's notorious Quds Force have played a key role in Syria's crackdown since at least mid-April, said the U.S. and allied officials. They said U.S. sanctions imposed against the Quds Force in April were implicitly intended as a warning to Iran to halt the practice.

The Quds Force is a unit of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps responsible for operations outside the country. It has helped fund and train Hezbollah and Hamas militants and supported anti-U.S. insurgents inside Iraq.

While the size of the Iranian contingent in Syria is not known, the numbers of advisers has grown steadily in recent weeks despite U.S. warnings, according to the U.S. and allied officials.

The Obama administration mentioned the role of the Quds Forces in announcing two sets of sanctions imposed against Syrian government officials in the past month. A White House executive order last week that targeted Assad and six other top government officials also included a little-noticed reference to Mohsen Chizari, an Iranian military officer who is the No. 3 leader in the Quds Force in charge of training.

The naming of Chizari -- who in 2006 was arrested but later released by U.S. forces in Iraq for allegedly supplying arms to insurgents there -- suggests that officials possess evidence of his role in assisting Syria's crackdown on protesters, said Michael Singh, a former senior director for Middle East affairs for the National Security Council during George W. Bush's administration.

"There's a deeply integrated relationship here that involves not only support for terrorism but a whole gamut of activities to ensure Assad's survival," Singh said.

It is not unusual for governments to draw on foreign assistance during times of unrest, as Western-allied governments in Bahrain and Egypt did when protests were building in those countries.

Iran's increasing engagement in the Syrian crackdown reflects anxiety in Tehran about the prospects for Assad, who has failed to end the protests despite rising brutality that human rights groups say has left more than 800 people dead and perhaps 10,000 in prison. While managing to hold on to power, Assad has been severely weakened after months of Syrian unrest, according to current and former U.S. officials and Middle East experts.

The BABY KILLER in my family; Researching your family tree has never been so popular. But, as Penninah Asher discovered, the past can hide horrific secrets...(Features)

Byline: Penninah Asher

Digging into your family past has never been as easy or so popular. Millions of us spend weekends trawling the internet and poring over ancestry sites and magazines. We are glued to television programmes such as the BBC series Who Do You Think You Are?.

We all want to know where we come from, to build up a picture of our family's past and to discover how our forebears used to live.

My interest in genealogy started ten years ago when I was inspired by my mother Judith's attempts to complete her family tree. She told me stories of a grandfather who fought in Sudan and an ancestor who ran away to sea aged 14. I was intrigued.

So, pregnant with the first of my two children and home all day with very little to do, I did some research, starting with friends' families.

Then I turned to my own father and his roots, a subject of great curiosity to me. I come from a fractured family on his side. In fact, I'm estranged from my dad, I haven't seen him since I was 16 and I didn't even know the names of his parents. I knew nothing about my father's family, other than what my mother had told me.

I've always enjoyed piecing a story together, so day after day I sat at my kitchen table in front of the computer, next to a growing box of certificates and other documents.

I found the website, my first and most valuable source. It gives free access to the index of birth, marriage and deaths in England and Wales, and I managed to trace my grandparents through it. Then I joined the website, a free messaging forum where members give helpful advice and I started building a family tree on

It is a well-trodden path. But, while I suspected some members of my father's side of the family were pretty colourful, nothing prepared me for what I discovered when, out of the blue, I received an email from a man through the website, who asked if I was aware I was related to 'a notorious lady' called Amelia Sach.

Sach, explained my correspondent, was a murderess better known as the Finchley 'baby farmer'. On a bitter winter's morning in 1903, she became one of the first two women to be executed at Holloway Prison - along with her colleague Annie Walters.

And Amelia Sach, convicted as an infamous killer of babies, was the sister of my great-grandmother, so she was my greatgreat-aunt.

My first reaction was confusion, then shock and then disbelief. Did I really have a murderess in the family? And if I did, then why did I know nothing about it? The answers were not hard to find. I went back to my family tree and found Amelia Sach had been baptised Frances Amelia Thorne in Hampreston, Dorset, on May 5, 1867, the fourth child of ten. She had three sisters, the youngest being Eunice Priscilla May Thorne, my great-grandmother.

I tracked Amelia through the censuses, and discovered her marriage to Jeffrey Sach in 1896. I checked and double-checked, and the emailer - who I understand was a lawyer researching the fate of children born to murderesses - was right.

I'd heard the term 'baby farming' before (it was first used by the British Medical Journal as long ago as 1867) but now I needed to find out more.

I began reading everything I could, including a transcript of Amelia's Old Bailey trial and, as I did so, I started to uncover a story so astonishing and sad it is now the basis of a new novel, The Ghost Of Lily Painter, by Caitlin Davies.

Legitimate baby farmers provided a much-needed service for pregnant unmarried women in Victorian and Edwardian times. These women were often servant who were forced to 'farm' out their illegitimate child to avoid scandal or to keep their jobs. Such women had few choices at a time when even orphanages might refuse to take a child born out of wedlock.

Advertising their services in the local Press, baby farmers charged a weekly sum - five shillings a week in 1890s London - or a oneoff 'premium' ranging from [pounds sterling]5 to [pounds sterling]50 to have the baby adopted or fostered.

Most were honest and caring. Some, though, starved, abandoned or even murdered the babies to maximise their profits. Sach and Walters were two of seven baby farmers executed between 1871 and 1908, often following sensational trials.

Some figures suggest that half of all babies born in Edwardian London died before they were one. Burials were expensive and barely a week went by without police finding a little dead body abandoned in a railway carriage, or left on the banks of a canal.

Two weeks after Sach and Walters were arrested, nine starving children were found in a house not far away in Wood Green, includgirls ing two babies lying in the lid of an old rush basket.

The elderly woman in charge had received [pounds sterling]30 to care for each child.

Amelia Sach was a midwife who arrived in London where her father, an odd-job man, had found work. Shortly after her father died, she married Jeffrey, a builder, and they had a daughter, Lillian. Perhaps he provided the money she needed to get her business off the ground because, in her early 30s, Amelia decided to open a 'lying in' home, where unmarried pregnant women could stay before giving birth.

By 1902 she was working from Claymore House, a semi-detached, red-brick villa in East Finchley, North London. She put an advertisement in the local papers under the name Nurse Thorne: 'Accouchement, before and during. Skilled nursing. Home comforts. Baby can remain.'

The phrase 'baby can remain' meant that an unmarried pregnant woman could go to the lying-in home, give birth, and leave without the child. Once the child was born, Amelia would offer to arrange an adoption; assuring her clients that for [pounds sterling]25, their offspring would start a new life with a 'well-to-do lady'.

But according to newspaper reports and evidence at their subsequent trial, her colleague Annie Walters - a highly disturbed 54-year-old midwife - removed the babies from the lying-in home, drugged them with a lethal narcotic and then wandered the streets looking for somewhere to dump them.

In the winter of 1902, Walters took lodgings at Danbury Street, Islington, where she asked the landlady if she could bring a baby back for one night before it was adopted.

On November 12, she received a telegram from Claymore House - 'To-night, at five o'clock' - and Walters set off for the lying-in home. She brought a baby back to Danbury Street. Two days later the boy had gone. Walters told her landlady that the adoptive parent, a widowed lady in Piccadilly, was delighted and the baby was now finely dressed in 'muslin and lace'.

On November 15 she received another telegram, and brought home another baby, telling a fellow lodger: 'This one is going to a coastguard's wife at South Kensington.'

Her actions had already aroused suspicion and this time the police placed a watch on Danbury Street. On November 18, Walters was followed to Kensington Station where she was discovered in the ladies' lavatory with a dead infant in her arms, his hands clenched, his tongue swollen and lips purple and black.

The victim was the four-day-old son of Ada Charlotte Galley, a servant who had recently given birth at Claymore House. The cause of death was said to be asphyxia and Sach and Walters were arrested for murder.

Walters admitted having given the child chlorodyne, a lethal but widely available mixture of chloroform, cannabis and opium, originally used as a treatment for cholera.

Walters was probably addicted to it herself, telling the arresting officer: 'I never killed the baby, I only gave it two little drops in its bottle, the same as I take myself.' Sach was charged as an accessory and, in the eyes of the police, the existence of the telegrams was enough to prove her role in the crime.

In January 1903 the women stood trial at the Old Bailey. Both pleaded innocent, although neither took the stand. An all-male jury quickly convicted them and the Press denounced the 'horrible and extensive traffic in babies' and their 'unwomanly callousness'.

The case was reported as far away as Australia. When police searched Claymore House they found 300 items of baby clothing in Amelia Sach's bedroom.

When the police arrested her, she denied knowing any Annie Walters, although there's no doubt she had sent the telegrams.

It is far from absolute proof that she was a willing accomplice, although I suspect she was not entirely innocent. It was enough, certainly, to convince the jury, and on February 3, 1903, Sach and Walters were executed together on a newly built scaffold in the yard of Holloway Prison.

It was the last double hanging in Britain and with them - or at least soon after - went the trade in babies. Five years later the Children And Young Persons Act required all foster parents to be registered, and the industry dwindled.

For me the story won't be over until I find out more about my greatgrandmother Eunice. It seems she never told a soul about her sister. When she married three years after the execution, she changed her first name to Mabel and changed her father's name on the marriage certificate, as well as his occupation. Only in 1930, 14 years after the death of her husband, did she revert to her real name.

The crime has lost none of its power to inspire revulsion, by the way. When I told my family what I'd found, one relative, worried what people would think, advised me to keep things to myself. It is no wonder the story was so well hidden.

How do I feel about having a murderess in the family? We might not like the truth when we find it, but we can't ignore it. It's human nature to want to know our roots. I come from a poor family, so there have been no documents or photographs to help me during my search; their lives were not chronicled.

In this story at least, there has been no happy ending, only a terrible family secret and more than a century of denial. But even that is better than nothing at all.

The Ghost Of Lily Painter by Caitlin Davies is published by Hutchinson, priced [pounds sterling]12.. To order your copy at the special price of [pounds sterling]10. with free p&p, please call The Review Bookstore on 0843 382 1111 or visit

Many of the houses on the East Finchley street where Amelia Sach ran a baby farm have their names proudly displayed. But after identifying Claymore House, where Sach lived, Penninah Asher discovered its name has been erased from the plaque.


DEADLY STARE: Amelia Sach, who plied her trade as a baby farmer at Claymore House, above, in East Finchley, London

SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Amelia Sach's great-great-niece Penninah Asher

Netherlands: Telecommunications Industry Guide 2011.(Report)

Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Netherlands: Telecommunications Industry Guide" report to their offering.

The Netherlands: Telecommunications Industry Guide is an essential resource for top-level data and analysis covering the Netherlands Telecommunications industry. It includes detailed data on market size and segmentation, textual analysis of the key trends and competitive landscape. This incisive report provides expert analysis with distinct chapters for Communications Equipment, Fixed Line Telecoms, Internet Access, Mobile Phones, Telecommunication Services and Wireless Telecommunication Services Scope of the Report: Contains an executive summary and data on value, volume and segmentation for Communications Equipment, Fixed Line Telecoms, Internet Access, Mobile Phones, Telecommunication Services and Wireless Telecommunication Services

Provides textual analysis of the industry's prospects

Incorporates in-depth five forces competitive environment analysis and scorecards

Includes five-year forecasts for Communications Equipment, Fixed Line Telecoms, Internet Access, Mobile Phones, Telecommunication Services and Wireless Telecommunication Services Highlights: The Dutch communications equipment market had total revenue of $338.3 million in 2009, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4% for the period spanning 2005-2009.

The Dutch fixed line telecoms market had total revenue of $9,467.5 million in 2009, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.7% for the period spanning 2005-2009.

The Dutch internet access market generated total revenues of $2.8 billion in 2009, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.3% for the period spanning 2005-2009.

The Dutch mobile phones market had total revenue of $1 billion in 2009, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2% for the period spanning 2005-2009.

The Dutch telecommunication services market had total revenue of $20.4 billion in 2009, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.7% for the period spanning 2005-2009.

The Dutch wireless telecommunication services market had total revenue of $10.9 billion in 2009, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8% for the period spanning 2005-2009. Why you should buy this report: Spot future trends and developments

Inform your business decisions

Add weight to presentations and marketing materials

Save time carrying out entry-level research Key Topics Covered: COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT IN THE NETHERLANDS







For more information visit Source: Datamonitor

Keywords: Advertising, Marketing, Research and Markets, Telecommunications.

This article was prepared by Marketing Weekly News editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2011, Marketing Weekly News via

Saturday, February 25, 2012

eCert Taps Erik Johnson as CTO.

eCert, Inc. announced that it continues its rapid growth by hiring Erik Johnson as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to oversee its email protection services and advance industry efforts to develop standards.

As former SVP of Enterprise Technologies at Bank of America, the Company said Johnson's experience in security, messaging and financial services technology enables eCert to drive progress in addressing critical security needs for its customers and the global Internet community.

According to a release, Johnson spent more than a decade at Bank of America, most recently as the Senior Vice President of Enterprise Technology & Delivery, where he focused on best practices for consumer security, including the development of global secure electronic messaging services for over 300,000 employees and millions of customer relationships. During his tenure at Bank of America, Johnson managed the technology program portfolio for all enterprise messaging initiatives, delivered solutions specific to enterprise electronic collaboration, social networking and messaging capabilities, and created and led global teams responsible for enterprise technology, risk and operational strategy on client/server, web hosted and cloud models.

"Erik Johnson's experience in security, messaging and financial services technology are a powerful addition to eCert's strong team of industry veterans. He brings a depth of understanding of the specific requirements of the financial institutions, major brands, and government agencies that eCert's email protection services support," said Kelly Wanser, CEO, eCert. "With email-related attacks a more powerful threat than ever, eCert is committed to helping these companies and their customers stay safe online. Erik's appointment to the role of CTO supports our ability to advance protections and meet the needs of the world's most demanding companies and environments."

The Company noted that Johnson was also selected as Executive in Residence for Bank of America at the MIT Center for Future Banking - a joint, multi-year collaborative effort specializing in privacy, identity and security solutions. Johnson previously served on the Email Security Work Group of BITS, part of the Financial Services Roundtable, and on the board of directors for industry consortium the Online Trust Alliance (OTA).

eCert provides critical protection against email fraud ("phishing") and other threats to enterprises, governments and other major organizations and their customers.

More information:

((Comments on this story may be sent to

CrowdGather, Inc. Announces Advisory Board Members John Breslin and Raj Chauhan.

One of the leading networks of forum communities on the Internet, CrowdGather (OTCBB:CRWG), announced John Breslin and Raj Chauhan as members of the company's advisory board.

Net visionary and Dublin native, John Breslin is the co-founder and director of Ltd., Ireland's largest message board community. John Breslin is also an engineering lecturer and researcher on all areas of the Semantic Web and social software at NUI Galway, and founded the SIOC project, an interconnected framework of social websites. Breslin is co-founder of StreamGlider and regularly writes for NewTechPost, a publisher of daily tech articles.

Keywords: CrowdGather, CrowdGather, Inc., Engineering, Inc., Software.

This article was prepared by Computer Weekly News editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2011, Computer Weekly News via

Cogent Road Offers Enhancements to AVAIL Applicant Recovery Management System for Mortgage Originators.

Recovers a High Percentage of Initially Credit-Declined Applicants Through Financial Education

SAN DIEGO -- Cogent Road, a provider of Internet-based applications for the mortgage industry, announced the latest enhancements to AVAIL, an automated applicant recovery management system enabling mortgage originators to provide ongoing mortgage-qualifying services to prospective borrowers.

AVAIL, an extension of Cogent Road's Funding Suite, a credit management solution that manages costs and enhances customer retention during the loan origination process, offers loan originators the ability to efficiently maintain contact with their initially credit-declined applicants while they adopt the new behaviors needed to achieve qualifying status. AVAIL's added functionality offers a new dashboard that reveals the current qualifying and recovery status of all applicants in real time. Originators can use the new tool to quickly discern how well applicants are progressing, as well as which applicants have met or are close to reaching their target credit scores.

For initially credit-declined applicants, the steps required to eventually achieve qualifying status can take up to 12 months. AVAIL was designed to help originators stay in contact with these applicants, eventually enabling them to improve their own scores and bring them back into the pipeline when they reach defined qualifying benchmarks. Using AVAIL, originators can coach applicants to change their spending behavior, such as paying down high balances and using credit cards responsibly, in order to become more credit-conscious consumers. AVAIL also organizes and manages client information to automatically notify originators when educated potential borrowers eventually achieve predefined credit score targets.

"Using the AVAIL program has generated new business for our company as applicants with low credit scores are eventually converted into fully educated and viable borrowers," said Chris Stuart, vice president of business development at Sacramento, Calif.-based Paramount Equity Mortgage. "The new dashboard continuously updates us on the status of our applicants and automatically notifies us when these applicants have met the necessary criteria and attained the appropriate credit scores."

"The AVAIL program arms originators with an ability to not only educate prospective borrowers on how to adopt healthy credit behavior practices, but to keep more leads in-house without having to turn away what could eventually become viable business," said William DiPaolo, chief executive officer of Cogent Road. "Originators using AVAIL can efficiently generate a new source of qualified leads. As applicants adopt better credit behaviors, AVAIL lets them know when these applicants have reached the level required to re-apply for their mortgage."

About Cogent Road

Cogent Road develops Internet-based applications for the mortgage industry, such as Funding Suite[R], the industry's first, true Credit Management Platform. Currently utilized by more than 20,000 mortgage professionals nationwide, Funding Suite helps clients qualify more applicants with its unique Intelligent Credit Report and protect applicant data via data suppression and computer access restrictions. For mid to large-sized clients, Funding Suite also offers robust user-level access controls and detailed cost accounting. For more information about Cogent Road and Funding Suite, visit or

Omnitrol Networks Enters Relationship with BT Global Services to Deliver Real-Time Supply-Chain Visibility Solutions.

Collaboration to Deliver the Next-Generation GS1/EPC Global Application Network for Work-In-Process and Global Asset Tracking

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- Omnitrol Networks, a leading provider of real-time application network platforms for business process optimization and RFID-based asset track and trace solutions, announced today that they have entered into a strategic relationship with BT Global Services, a world leading provider of networked IT services.

The collaboration will enable BT Supply Chain Solutions to deliver enhanced and highly scalable real-time supply-chain, asset and operational visibility solutions utilizing next-generation Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), wireless and sensor technologies based on the Omnitrol Networks platform. The OMNITROL platform integrates a powerful Edge Application and Service Creation Engine (EASE[TM]) for delivering integrated real-time asset and work-in-process (WIP) visibility solutions at a very competitive total cost of ownership (TCO).

"We are delighted to be working with Omnitrol as it will strengthen our existing capabilities within BT Supply Chain Solutions and enable us to better address our customers' requirements to improve the operational efficiency of their supply chains. The versatile OMNITROL platform allows BT Supply Chain Solutions to quickly customize solutions, and to meet individual customer needs," said Keith Sherry, GM, BT Supply Chain Solutions. "This will enable our customers to benefit from significant operational efficiency improvements, with the potential to reduce operating costs; improve real-time visibility of their products & reusable assets, and increase accuracy of order fulfillment resulting in improved customer service - all of which contribute to gaining and retaining competitive advantage."

The OMNITROL creates a secure peer-to-peer business application network across multi-site, multi-enterprise shop-floor operations into an integrated smart visibility infrastructure. The OMNITROL application network establishes a collaborative environment with end-to-end real-time operational visibility between B2B partners. "In today's globally outsourced business climate, the demand for accurate planning through global operational visibility has become a critical priority for all organizations," added Sherry.

"The OMNITROL network appliance architecture lends itself very well to BT Global Services' network-based solutions and managed services strategy," said Raj Saksena, President and CEO of Omnitrol Networks. "We are privileged to be selected by BT Global Services, whose agile approach toward innovation is enabling the rapid adoption of global traceability services and solutions for tracking assets and supply-chains, optimizing business performance and improving overall customer satisfaction."

OMNITROL integrates seamlessly with passive and active RFID, ultra-wide band and Wi-Fi RTLS, mobile handhelds, PLC and sensors providing automation and real-time analytics, visibility and alerts directly from the shop-floor without requiring any manual intervention or change to existing business processes. The OMNITROL Network removes middleware and back-end systems complexity by delivering a scalable real-time EPC compliant asset tracking and pedigree capture infrastructure. The simple and versatile system is manageable from the shop-floor and can substantially reduce the cost of ownership while providing powerful services such as workflow service creation and emulation, back-end integration, including web-based device and service management.

About Omnitrol Networks, Inc.

Omnitrol Networks Inc. is a leading provider of complete EPC-based business application solutions for the wireless, RFID and sensor automation market. The company's award-winning OMNITROL appliance and Edge Application and Services Engine (EASE[TM]) software have pioneered the market for "Always On" real-time operational visibility, traceability and automation solutions. The OMNITROL's unique edge-centric solution architecture enables the industry's most flexible and reliable means to deploy scalable Auto-ID application intelligent networks at the lowest total cost of ownership in the market. Omnitrol Networks is a privately held company with corporate headquarters in Mountain View, California, USA. Additional information about Omnitrol Networks' products and services are available at

About BT

BT is one of the world's leading providers of communications solutions and services operating in 170 countries. Its principal activities include the provision of networked IT services globally; local, national and international telecommunications services to our customers for use at home, at work and on the move; broadband and internet products and services and converged fixed/mobile products and services. BT consists principally of four lines of business: BT Global Services, Openreach, BT Retail and BT Wholesale.

In the year ended 31 March 2008, BT Group's revenue was PS20,704 million with profit before taxation and specific items of PS2,506 million.

British Telecommunications plc (BT) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BT Group plc and encompasses virtually all businesses and assets of the BT Group. BT Group plc is listed on stock exchanges in London and New York.

For more information, visit


SINGAPORE, Nov. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Creative Technology Ltd. (Nasdaq: CREAF), today announced first quarter financial results for the period ended September 30, 1995.

Sales for the first fiscal quarter of 1996 were US$298.7 million compared with US$250.3 million for the same quarter last year (+19%). Net income for the quarter was US$6.6 million as compared to US$17.7 million for the same quarter last year. Earnings per share were US$0.08 compared to earnings of US$0.20 per share for the first quarter last year.

Reveal Acquisition

On October, 25, 1995, Creative announced the acquisition of Reveal Computer Products, Inc., a supplier of peripherals for personal computers. "The acquisition is very strategic and accomplishes three significant objectives," said Sim Wong Hoo, Chairman and CEO. "First, it expands and diversifies our offering of multimedia upgrade products and permits a dual brand strategy serving different customer bases. Second, it expands our family of products to include memory upgrades, graphics accelerators, video editing boards, and mass storage devices. Third, it broadens our product distribution base to national network retailers and mass merchants."

Reveal will receive up to US$65 million in newly issued shares of Creative common stock and 2 million warrants. The acquisition is expected to close in December 1995 or January 1996. The transaction will be accounted for as a purchase and there may be a one-time write-off taken in the quarter in which the transaction closes. The amount of such write-off, if any, will be determined by the outcome of an independent appraisal.


3D Blaster

On August 16, Creative introduced 3D Blaster, a gaming platform for the PC designed to bring highly accelerated graphics and 3D realism to gaming on a PC. 3D Blaster's focus is to turn the home PC into the entertainment platform of choice. 3D Blaster is targeted at the installed base of VL-BUS 486's, supports Win 95, Win 3.1, DOS and ships with five of the latest in 3D entertainment titles for the PC written specifically to take advantage of 3D Blaster technology. 3D Blaster will begin shipping this month and a PCI version of 3D Blaster will ship in Spring 1996.

Next Generation Sound Blaster

Transitioning to next generation audio in the Sound Blaster line is a very strong focus for Creative. Recent product introductions include Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP and Sound Blaster 32 PnP that provide Win 3.1, DOS, and Windows 95 compatibility with plug and play. These latest offerings include Creative's 3D Stereo Enhancement for richer, more spacious sound, and E-mu's 3D Positional Audio that allows sounds to be placed and travel along a positional pattern for a more immersive experience. Sound Blaster AWE32 and Sound Blaster 32 include EMU8000-based wavetable synthesis that provides real instrument sounds and special effects such as reverb, chorus, and panning.


Creative is now marketing a complete line of communications products for the PC ranging from the ShareVision desktop videoconferencing products that work over a regular phone line to modem products with instant Internet access. Recent product introductions include Modem Blaster 28.8 PCMCIA targeted at the portable PC market, and Modem Blaster 28.8 External with instant Internet access and on-line games targeted at the home PC user. The future focus for Creative's communications line is on the evolution of standards and technology for business and home use.

6x CD-ROM Drive Products

Creative recently introduced it's first 6x CD-ROM upgrade, the Blaster CD 6x, and has begun shipping the Sound Blaster Performance 6x, a high end multimedia kit that comes bundled with a next generation Sound Blaster 32 and Creative's own 6x CD-ROM drive.

Creative Technology Ltd. develops, manufactures and markets a family of sound, video, software and telephony multimedia products for PCs under the Blaster(TM) family name, and the ShareVision line of desktop video conferencing products for Macintoshes and PCs. The company's Sound Blaster(R) sound platform enables PCs to produce high-quality audio for entertainment, educational, music and productivity applications, and has been accepted as the industry standard sound platform for PC-based software.

Creative Technology Ltd. was incorporated in 1983 and is based in Singapore. Creative Technology's U.S. subsidiaries include Creative Labs, Inc., E-mu Systems, Inc., Digicom Systems, Inc. and ShareVision Technology, Inc. Creative also has other subsidiaries in Australia, China, Europe, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. The company's stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol CREAF and on the Stock Exchange of Singapore.

NOTE: Sound Blaster is a registered trademark and Blaster and CQM are trademarks of Creative Technology Ltd. E-mu is a registered trademark of E-mu Systems, Inc. and ShareVision is a registered trademark of ShareVision Technology, Inc. All other products mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby recognized as such.

                         CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD.                CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME                  (In thousands, except per share amounts)                                              Three months ended                                                  September 30,                                               1995           1994     Sales                                  $ 298,690      $ 250,326     Cost of goods sold                       235,193        183,485      Gross profit                             63,497         66,841 

Operating expenses:

Selling, general and

       administrative expenses                 42,858         40,595      Research and development                  8,675          9,086     Total operating expenses                  51,533         49,681     Operating income                          11,964         17,160     Interest income (expense) and other, net  (5,101)         2,126 

Income before income taxes

      and minority interest                     6,863         19,286     Provision for income taxes                 1,031          1,591     Minority interest                            804             25     Net income                              $  6,636      $  17,720     Net income per share                    $   0.08      $    0.20 

Average ordinary shares and

      equivalents outstanding                  88,049         90,804                        CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD.                  CONSOLIDATED CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS                 (In thousands, except per share amounts)                                         September 30,     June 30,                                            1995             1995 


Current assets:

       Cash and cash equivalents          $ 105,305        $ 127,428 

Accounts receivable, less allowances

        of $12,045  and $9,519              136,339          146,949       Inventory                            293,883          262,091       Other assets and prepaids             34,897           31,759         Total current assets               570,424          568,227 

Property and equipment, at cost less

       accumulated depreciation              63,210           62,104 

Investments and other non-current

       assets                                31,646           30,904         Total assets                     $ 665,280        $ 661,235 


Current liabilities:

       Accounts payable                   $ 166,544        $ 176,373       Other accrued liabilities             56,554           52,718       Income taxes payable                  24,435           23,690 

Current portion of long term

        obligations                              74              154         Total current liabilities          247,607          252,935      Long term obligations                 101,865          101,893      Minority interest in subsidiaries       4,674            3,919 

Shareholders' Equity:

       Ordinary Shares; S$0.25 par value      8,898            8,833 

Authorized: 200,000 shares

Outstanding: 88,004 and 87,637 shares

       Additional paid-in capital           120,541          118,596       Retained earnings                    181,695          175,059        Total shareholders' equity          311,134          302,488                                          $ 665,280        $ 661,235     -0-                     11/3/95 

/CONTACT: Patrick Verderico, CFO of Creative Labs, Inc., 408-428-6600, ext. 6102; or Rich Moore of Copithorne & Bellows, 415-284-5200, for Creative/


CO: Creative Technology Ltd.; Creative Labs Inc. ST: California IN: CPR SU: ERN

RB -- SJ004 -- 8762 11/03/95 17:01 EST

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sprint Nextel and Rave Wireless Introduce Innovative Mobile Solutions for College Campuses; Partnership First to Enhance Communications, Academics and Student Safety at Allen University and University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

RESTON, Va. -- Sprint (NYSE:S) and Rave Wireless ( have partnered to offer a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive suite of mobile solutions that deliver instant communications, enhance student safety and generate a greater sense of community at higher-education campuses across the country. Beginning in the fall semester of 2006, students at Allen University in South Carolina and University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES), will have greater access to features such as group text messaging and polling, campus directories, university events calendar and class schedules thanks to customized handset data applications created by Rave Wireless. Sprint's state-of-the-art network and unique location-based services, combined with Rave Wireless' mobile applications and program management create a complete solution for higher education institutions.

"Sprint's partnership with Rave Wireless strengthens our commitment to enhance the learning environment for higher education institutions across the nation," said Craig Carroll, national director of education for Sprint. "Our relationships with Allen University and UMES, highlights the diverse appeal of our solutions to campuses of all sizes by integrating technology into the classroom experience from both a learning and teaching perspective."

A big issue for many universities is the safety and security of students on campus. Allen University, located Columbia, S.C., is working with Sprint and Rave Wireless to provide all full-time students with GPS-capable handsets, preloaded with data applications including the award-winning Rave Guardian application that provides a greater level of security by allowing the school's public safety officials to identify a student's location, if requested by the student, by integrating GPS- location into the school's public safety system. In addition, the mobile phones, referred to as an 'e-learning tool' by the school administration, will foster strong student-faculty relationships by facilitating real-time communication, course information and in-class assessments.

"Allen University is pleased to integrate leading technologies into the fabric of our university that will both enhance academics and create a safer environment for students to learn," said Anthony Spearman, vice president of operations and professor of physics, Allen University. "We are dedicated to providing an easy and cost-effective way to communicate with students, professors and campus safety officials. Sprint and Rave Wireless are delivering a solution that not only meets our needs but also gives our students instant access to critical content and peer groups that keep them connected to the university family."

Starting this fall, UMES will also offer the Sprint solution with Rave applications to all incoming students. Through a state-of-the-art dual-network Custom Network Solution (CNS) designed for this campus, Sprint has created a unified messaging platform for students and faculty to communicate, especially helpful during an emergency or national catastrophe.

"Mobile phones, the preferred way to communicate for today's youth, are now a part of the education curriculum at UMES," said Ron Forsythe, vice president of planning, assessment and technology at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. "Innovation-driven companies like Sprint and Rave Wireless provide us with the tools and solutions to keep our students informed, secure and always connected. We expect instant communication to be a big hit amongst our students."

Rave Wireless' applications, available on both the Nationwide Sprint PCS Network and the Nextel National Network, provide students with the flexibility to access campus-specific content and services through mobile phones from just about anywhere and at any time. The solution deployed at UMES also includes Rave Guardian, which provides students with a greater level of security and added peace-of-mind.

"We are very excited to partner with Sprint Nextel, a company that strongly believes in providing innovative and differentiated solutions to customers," says Rodger Desai, CEO, Rave Wireless. "Sprint Nextel's unique network and billing capabilities further strengthen the options Rave Wireless is able to offer colleges and universities as they transform the mobile phone into an educational and community building tool."

To learn more about Sprint solutions for higher education, visit

About Sprint Nextel

Sprint Nextel offers a comprehensive range of wireless and wireline communications services to consumer, business and government customers. Sprint Nextel is widely recognized for developing, engineering and deploying innovative technologies, including two robust wireless networks offering industry leading mobile data services; instant national and international walkie-talkie capabilities; and an award-winning and global Tier 1 Internet backbone. For more information, visit

About Rave Wireless, Inc.

Rave Wireless is the only company to provide a comprehensive set of mobile applications and mobile phone programs that strengthen college and university communities. Rave Wireless' applications enable a previously unimaginable experience across safety, social networking, academics and commerce. Customers include leading institutions nationwide, such as Baruch College of the City University of New York, California State University Monterey Bay, Georgetown University, Montclair State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the University of South Florida. Rave Wireless is headquartered in New York, NY. Investors include Bain Capital Ventures, Sigma Partners, and RRE Ventures. More information is available at