Sunday, February 26, 2012


WASHINGTON -- The following information was released by the office of California Rep. Howard Berman:

Congressman Howard L. Berman, Ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, submitted the following remarks to the Congressional Record drawing attention to the link between Iran and Syria's violent repression of the Syrian people. Congressman Berman is working to keep the pressure on the regimes in Damascus and Tehran, and hold them accountable for their brutal actions.

Mr. Speaker, I rise to draw attention to Iran's ongoing efforts to assist the Syrian regime in violently suppressing peaceful protestors.

I request that the articles "Iran Helping Syrian Regime Crack Down on Protestors, Say Diplomats," printed in the May 9, 2011, Guardian, and "Iran Reportedly Aiding Syrian Crackdown," printed in the May 27, 2011, Washington Post, be submitted into the Congressional Record.

Press reports indicate that Iran is playing an active role in helping Syrian President Bashar al-Assad brutally crackdown on peaceful democracy protestors. As the Washington Post reports, "Iran is dispatching increasing numbers of trainers and advisers -- including members of its elite Quds Force -- into Syria to help crush anti-government demonstrations that are threatening to topple Iran's most important ally in the region."

Syrians have witnessed an increase in arrests, and door-to-door raids, similar to those that helped to crush Iran's Green Movement protests in 2009.

Human rights groups suggest that more than 7,000 people have been detained since the uprising began. And more than 1100 people are said to have died.

Mr. Speaker, Iran is terrified that it is about to lose its most important ally in the Arab world - they will do everything in their power to prevent that from happening. It appears that human life holds no value to the leaders in Damascus and Tehran.

I encourage all of my colleagues to read these articles and follow this development closely. The Congress must continue to put pressure on Syria and Iran so that freedom, respect for human rights and democracy can emerge in both nations.


Iran helping Syrian regime crack down on protesters, say diplomats

The Guardian, Monday 9 May 2011

Iran is playing an increasingly active role in helping the Syrian regime in its crackdown on pro-democracy protesters, according to western diplomatic sources in Damascus.

The claim came as Syria's security forces backed by tanks intensified operations to suppress unrest in three new flashpoint towns on Sunday and it was confirmed that four women had been shot dead in the first use of force against an all-female demonstration.

A senior western diplomat in Damascus expanded on assertions, first made by White House officials last month, that Iran is advising president Bashar al-Assad's government on how to crush dissent.

The diplomat pointed to a "significant" increase in the number of Iranian personnel in Syria since protests began in mid-March. Mass arrests in door-to-door raids, similar to those that helped to crush Iran's "green revolution" in 2009, have been stepped up in the past week.

Human rights groups suggest more than 7,000 people have been detained since the uprising began. More than 800 people are said to have died, up to 50 during last Friday's "day of defiance". Last night two unarmed demonstrators were reportedly killed during a night rally in the eastern city of Deir al-Zor.

"Tehran has upped the level of technical support and personnel support from the Iranian Republican Guard to strengthen Syria's ability to deal with protesters," the diplomat said, adding that the few hundred personnel were not involved in any physical operations. "Since the start of the uprising, the Iranian regime has been worried about losing its most important ally in the Arab world and important conduit for weapons to Hezbollah [in Lebanon]," the diplomat said.

Last month White House officials made similar allegations about Iranian assistance for the regime, particularly in terms of intercepting or blocking internet, mobile phone and social media communications between the protesters and the outside world. But the officials did not provide hard evidence to support their claims.

Activists and diplomats claim Iran's assistance includes help to monitor internet communications such as Skype, widely used by a network of activists, methods of crowd control, and providing equipment such as batons and riot police helmets.

Syria has denied seeking or receiving assistance from Iran to put down the unrest. In a statement issued on Friday, Iran's foreign ministry stressed Syria's "prime role" in opposing Israel and the US, and urged opposing forces in the country to compromise on political reform. US policy towards Syria was based on "opportunism in support of the Zionist regime's avarice", it said.

The Assad family, from the Shia Muslim minority Alawite sect, is likely to be nervous about appearing to be helped by its Shia-dominated ally to crush protesters drawn from the 75% Sunni population.

Regime forces backed by tanks were in action over the weekend in Homs, in the town of Tafas north of Deraa, and in the coastal city of Banias, activists said. Violence was also reported in the Damascus dormitory town of Zabadani.

Along with arbitrary detentions, shootings have continued.

Razan Zeitouneh, a lawyer in the capital who is monitoring the protests, said four women were shot dead in the village of Merqeb, close to Banias, and six men were shot dead in Banias on Saturday.

Iran reportedly aiding Syrian crackdown

Washington Post, 27 May 2011

U.S. officials say Iran is dispatching increasing numbers of trainers and advisers -- including members of its elite Quds Force -- into Syria to help crush anti-government demonstrations that are threatening to topple Iran's most important ally in the region.

The influx of Iranian manpower is adding to a steady stream of aid from Tehran that includes not only weapons and riot gear but also sophisticated surveillance equipment that is helping Syrian authorities track down opponents through their Facebook and Twitter accounts, the sources said. Iranian-assisted computer surveillance is believed to have led to the arrests of hundreds of Syrians seized from their homes in recent weeks.

The United States and its allies long have accused Iran of supporting repressive or violent regimes in the region, including Syria's government, the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Many previous reports, mostly provided by Western officials, have described Iranian technical help in providing Syria with riot helmets, batons and other implements of crowd control during 10 weeks of demonstrations against President Bashar al-Assad.

The new assertions -- provided by two U.S. officials and a diplomat from an allied nation, all of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive intelligence -- are clearly aimed at suggesting deepening involvement of Iranian military personnel in Syria's brutal crackdown against anti-Assad demonstrators.There was no response on Friday to requests for comment left with the Syrian Embassy and Iranian interests section in Washington.

In the account provided by the diplomat and the U.S. officials, the Iranian military trainers were being brought to Damascus to instruct Syrians in techniques Iran used against the nation's "Green Movement'' in 2009, the diplomat said. The Iranians were brutally effective in crushing those protests.

Officers from Iran's notorious Quds Force have played a key role in Syria's crackdown since at least mid-April, said the U.S. and allied officials. They said U.S. sanctions imposed against the Quds Force in April were implicitly intended as a warning to Iran to halt the practice.

The Quds Force is a unit of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps responsible for operations outside the country. It has helped fund and train Hezbollah and Hamas militants and supported anti-U.S. insurgents inside Iraq.

While the size of the Iranian contingent in Syria is not known, the numbers of advisers has grown steadily in recent weeks despite U.S. warnings, according to the U.S. and allied officials.

The Obama administration mentioned the role of the Quds Forces in announcing two sets of sanctions imposed against Syrian government officials in the past month. A White House executive order last week that targeted Assad and six other top government officials also included a little-noticed reference to Mohsen Chizari, an Iranian military officer who is the No. 3 leader in the Quds Force in charge of training.

The naming of Chizari -- who in 2006 was arrested but later released by U.S. forces in Iraq for allegedly supplying arms to insurgents there -- suggests that officials possess evidence of his role in assisting Syria's crackdown on protesters, said Michael Singh, a former senior director for Middle East affairs for the National Security Council during George W. Bush's administration.

"There's a deeply integrated relationship here that involves not only support for terrorism but a whole gamut of activities to ensure Assad's survival," Singh said.

It is not unusual for governments to draw on foreign assistance during times of unrest, as Western-allied governments in Bahrain and Egypt did when protests were building in those countries.

Iran's increasing engagement in the Syrian crackdown reflects anxiety in Tehran about the prospects for Assad, who has failed to end the protests despite rising brutality that human rights groups say has left more than 800 people dead and perhaps 10,000 in prison. While managing to hold on to power, Assad has been severely weakened after months of Syrian unrest, according to current and former U.S. officials and Middle East experts.

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